About Me


In seizing today, I go forth to greet my own destiny. My reality is gaining worth only for it is being challenged. New vistas in journeying through sight and soul have made me aware of a world previously uncovered. My journey has seen many detours and the riddle demands growth from pain and joy. ALL my life experiences now find a common ground in my art.
Backwater Glow
Emotions and sensations experienced through visual images connect us in the web of life. These fragile iridescent filaments combined gain a flexibility and endurance beyond technology and modern man’s control. We are brought back to our primeval roots to our co-existence with nature.

I saw the sun for the first time yesterday, felt its warmth and wondered what cloak I had hidden under for so long. And fear, that I should ever shut out my self again. And color and pattern danced upon my soul in hope that I should shed more layers, put away the masks and allow the warmth to seep deep into my spirit, unlocking untold wealth.

I felt the sun for the first time again today. Music, poetry, dance, and line all became one under the enchanted sun. I hear a voice speak out, I know it was always there, yet hidden from my consciousness.
~ Dawn M. Olson

Born in the East Coast, but spending most of my life in Central Wisconsin, i have the heart of a real country gal. Educated at the university of Wisconsin-Stevens point, Madison and Northern with a B.S. in Art and MEPD with an Art Emphasis, I still claim to get most of my education on the road. Researching my art (and heart) have taken me around the U.S., Europe, and South America. Where society loosens its bounds, I set my own. Yet it took my move to the simplicity of South West several years ago to start congealing the precious fragments of my journey.